Saturday, January 12, 2013

C, all summed up - Welcoming

Good day to all, cara mia! I hope everyone has been enjoying their first week of 2013! How does it feel to be a year older? My birthday isn't here yet but the thought of being eighteen is... Ambivalent? I sometimes still cringe at the thought that I'm actually a legal adult now.

To think I can actually take the theory courses for driving, start going clubbing, plan my future job.... I feel old :O But all the fun has just started once the big eighteen years old comes!!!

Anyway, back the main focus of today's entry... Welcoming. I know it sounds kinda hanging but there has been so many fresh starts for me this year so I guess the only appropriate title to term all these new starts would be to welcome them!


First off, congratulations to everyone out there who's received the ideal O level results of their goals! Great job done by Swiss too - I heard this year there are actually 70+ students who actually got more than 7 distinctions!!! We are all getting smarter - I hope that includes me. *sigh*

For those who came down to Anderson Junior College's Open House which was held yesterday (11 Jan '13), I hope you guys enjoyed yourselves!! We are not a school with lavish facilities, and it is undeniable that AJC indeed is an old school. But you will learn to overlook that fact once you enter coz the people here are seriously amazing!!! AJC couldn't provide you with extravagant facilities, but the time spent at our school is definitely comparable - Or even better than other schools!! After all, that's the main purpose of attending school right?? To have an enjoyable learning experience and AJC guarantees that. I enjoyed every school day of the past one year (except during exams) - You can always look that up in my archives of 2012!

If you're a confused student like me a year ago, not knowing what course to choose etc, you might want to read up on my experience here! And if you're keen on joining AJC, you can also read up on my Orientation experiences here (Part 1 | Part 2)!! I've also answered a few questions regarding the choosing of subjects on my Formspring some time back, so if you all still have any queries feel free to drop a question there and I'll get back to you as soon as possible :)


This is long overdue.... But here are the pictures taken during the family's buffet lunch at Tiffany, Furama Hotel to celebrate 2013!!

The main highlight of the main course - Yes the crabs really are THE main crustaceans of the day.

More seafood.... This is the best way to start of new year man!!!

Oh god my left eye looks red............. I only noticed that when I was brightening the pictures. 

But the lighting was good so there was a whole roll of my face in the camera's memory card....

I'm a sucker for desserts I selfishly took more shots of the desserts as compared to the main course \^.^/

They are all intricately decorated to suit the new year theme!

Let us all now take a break to observe the happy girl with her desserts!! I finished them all and had seconds. Now you know why I'm fat.

This cake looks so pretty!!

Their peach and almond pie was mediocre but I finished my slice anyway.

Mandatory picture of the Chocolate Fondue!!! I will judge a restaurant if this doesn't appear in the desserts section coz of all desserts I love love love chocolate covered fruits!!

My little dish piled up with sweet treats!!! The cheesecake was da bombz, I couldn't get enough of it!!!

Thought this looked pretty artistic that's why it's up here 

First world problems - Not knowing which dessert to start on first. *Laughs*

The fun doesn't end at the food - At the end of the buffet the nice people of Tiffany gave each patron a huge party popper containing masks and whatnot! They also gave out party-cowboy hats for picture taking to commemorate New Year!

I insisted on having the red one!!

Our mandatory family shot!!

That was it for our New Year's meal!!! Not to fret there are so many more reunion dinners to come, considering Chinese New Year is nearing...... You thinking what I'm thinking?


Here is my OOTD anyway!!
Top & Jeans: Forever 21 | Shoes: Vincci | Bangle: West Mall | Headband: Rubi


Before school re-opened our class had this farewell party/dinner for Mr Choo & Ms Quek.... Unfortunately Ms Quek wasn't able to make it but we'll still be seeing her in school until March/June so it doesn't really matter.

Mr Choo we'll miss being your favorite class, miss being able to bring food into class, miss your 9GAG allusions during lessons, and of course miss you :'(

Fish & Co. for the dinner!!! Ironically this place was the dining place of our first class outing, and also the dining place of our farewell dinner for Mr Choo :'(

Team 34/12!!


As mentioned previously my class is having a new form teacher this year since Mr Choo left AJC for MOE :(

Anyhow, Miss Ten (our new form tutor) made us do this artwork/collage thing as a class so boost class spirit on our first civics lesson and I thought our end products were pretty impressive!!

At the top left hand corner you can spot Mikhail Gorbachev and he is there because we've written tons of essays on him so I guess he's significant enough to be part of us. *Laughs*

This one was done by the guys and some of the other girls!!

We are all in this together - Shoot for the moon, even if you miss you'll land among the stars!! Go press on Team34/12!!


This was CAT's celebratory meal after the end of Block Tests!!! Those tests were an absolute pain in the ass man - It came expected and unprepared but its end still deserves a good treat! 

Dinner @ New York New York after AJC Open House with my cousins!

Let us all have a moment of silence to appreciate that glorious plate of calories with the generous amount of dips it came with. 

It was all a guilty pleasure :')


I have concluded that being eighteen isn't too bad after all - There are so many things that are lined up in my life!!! I don't know if this is normal or what, but I've kinda already planned out my after As life and each time I think of it I get this warm feeling inside. I know it's still too early to think about post A levels but it's always good to have a goal to work towards to and I'm genuinely anticipating to achieve mine!!!

"If you work very hard and are kind, amazing things will happen" - Conan O'Brien

If you're only gonna work hard when you're ready, you'll be waiting for an entire lifetime. Start off by working hard now!! I sure hope amazing things will happen to each and every one of you lovely souls out there!

Take care and thanks so much for reading!!

P.S/ I've installed the Instagram widget at my sidebar for people who do not have Instagram to also be able to view pictures that I don't upload onto my main entries! Follow me @helloitschels if you have an account? ;)