Thursday, December 26, 2013

Travel Diaries: Rome x Vatican City

Buona Sera! (That's Italian for Good Evening)

After a good two weeks of freezing fingers and chilled cheeks I'm finally back in sunny Singapore! I must say, Europe was fantastic and this trip about sums up what I term as 'the-best-holiday-ever'!!! Everything there - the food, the atmosphere, the people - are all very different as compared to Singapore and it's indeed a very rich travel experience that I treasure very much. 

So basically we visited to three countries in total: Italy, Switzerland and France, travelling north as we proceed. These places are absolutely gorgeous; the streets have this rustic, somewhat nostalgic feel to it that makes everything a tinge more dreamy. I love it so, so much. 

At a humble age of eighteen I can now proudly say that I've visited and seen so many iconic places with my very own pair of eyes, and even lazed around in the two cities that I've been yearning to visit so badly - Venice, City of Love and Paris, City of Lights. I'm so blessed, really, and I thank my parents everyday for being so generous to invest in such an enriching experience for the whole family. 

Whatever that you guys see here on this online journal of mine can never beat seeing the place for itself, and I learnt that through this amazing trip. But since we're in the season of giving and sharing, I sure hope you guys enjoyed the visuals taken! :)

Ending off the entry with a shot of the gorgeous pastel-coloured skyline of the Vatican City. Picture credits are to the two photojunkies of the family: my sister and my dad. I had a hard time editing them and sifting those that I want to upload onto blogger. 

We brought two cameras and ended up with about 3000+ pictures, just saying.

Ciao! (That's Italian for See You Again)
chels x