Thursday, August 7, 2014

What do you want this year?

Hello world - It has been such a long while since I last settled down in front of my Macbook, all geared up for a new entry. There has been so much going on recently - I've recently just concluded Freshmen Orientation Camp for Hall - It was exhilarating. I absolutely love my orientation group mates (Go Draco!), everyone has been so sporting with games and cheers and I guess that's why I am proud to say I survived and actually enjoyed yet another camp! On a side note, having only two hours of shut-eye every night for the past week is finally taking a toll on me; my mom gasped at the dark eye-circles that developed and the best part is, I never had dark eye-rings 

That being said, I've also busied myself with my official moving into Hall (I'm over at Hall 14 ya'll come say hi!), which most unfortunately has burnt a huge hole in my pocket considering the many cab trips that I have to make to and fro from Hall with bag after bag of hall supplies. I've already stayed over and nestled in for a couple of nights so I'm probably more or less settled down in my second humble abode. My friend and I were also considering a side project, just for fun and also to spice up Hall life a little more... We're still planning things out and I sure hope we're able to materialise this. It's gonna be fun!!!

My nineteenth birthday went by pretty quietly this year, a change from all my previous birthdays. My family organised a little party with just the four of us, before sending me off to camp where my lovely Dracians celebrated it together with me. What do you want this year, people asked me. I told them I didn't need anything - Just a birthday wish would do. It's weird, isn't it? As I get older I seem to yearn less for birthday gifts - Remember the time where being the birthday girl was like being a princess because people shower you with stuff that you always wanted? Is this what growing up does to people? The thought now seems to matter more, and I guess ultimately, and probably eventually, thoughts will be the ones that mean the most to us. What should I say, I'm glad I'm growing up 

Much love,
Chels x