Thursday, December 11, 2014


December, December, December.

I just got back to Singapore after a well-deserved break on board the Royal Caribbean where I was princess for a week. Luxurious, yes - But as a true Asian and Singaporean I found myself craving for chicken rice and char kway tiao after a couple of days chomping on medium-rare steak. I love it when I get to imitate Gordon Ramsay as I slice through Atlantic salmon fillets - "Fish is perfectly seasoned", "I should be expecting a glistening middle when I cut this open", "This is the look of a perfectly cooked salmon", "Phenomenal" - Trust me when I say I am a huge fan of Gordon (we're best buds hello?) I could go on and on and on.

We cruised to Penang and Phuket and I can't wait to share pictures with you guys. Lovely places with amazing food - I adore Thai food so much I'm not sure how to put it in words. You get me.

This December is packed with Christmas shopping dates and Christmas parties!!! My favourite festival of giving and sharing.

2014 is finally coming to an end and I must say, what a brilliant year. It seemed as if it was just yesterday when I received my A level results - Partied a little, teared a little, ate a ton. Then it was Open Houses, enrolling into WKWSCI. Way more parties, way more food, and a bunch of chummy new friends. Finals - Studying till wee hours of the morning together, Black Friday shopping (yes, in the middle of mugging sessions) and so. much. Red Bull.

December, definitely my favourite month of the year.

Much love,
Chels x